Saturday, October 20, 2012

Slow but Forward Movement

Making forward movement.  Small forward movement, but movement nevertheless.  This week I took two baby steps toward RJC's adult future.

Baby step 1:  I set up a meeting with...well...everyone.  Our school system, her current Outplacement school and Department of Developmental Services.  Yep.  It is official.  I can no longer pretend to ignore the fact that she is not going to be able to stay in school and I took the plunge and made the call to get the ball rolling.  I am both pleased with myself and sick to my stomach.

Baby step 2:  For whatever reason, trying to get SSI for her has been a ridiculously slow process.  While I was just at the point of considering who I can call to get some help, she was approved.  Of course, it couldn't just be a simple process.  I received a letter that she was approved but that I needed to take her to the Social Security office in Hartford.  UG.  Really?  Smart me - I called to be sure this was a necessary step and lo and behold it was not!  The rep on the phone found the form they thought I needed to complete.  Thank goodness my need to avoid any potential issues with RJC pushed me to make a phone call. 

So there you have it.  I have made some forward movement.  Reading this over it is almost pathetic that I am sharing this somewhat proudly.  You'd assume as a responsible parent I'd be doing this stuff.  I assumed I'd leap right into it.  What I am finding is that there is a great deal of emotional stuff that goes along with my baby turning 21 and it makes me want to crawl into my bed and put the covers over my head. 

Forward movement is progress.  Progress is good.  So, I'm sharing.

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