Monday, April 1, 2024


RJC has an evening routine.

First she showers, then she comes to the living room, turns off all of the lights, puts on PBS and mutes the television. She will often (but not always) drift off to sleep on the couch, usually a few minutes before 10 PM which she considers to be her bedtime.

At that point I wake her, help her brush her hair and teeth and bring her to sleep in her own room. She says the first two lines of the Shema, we have our scripted goodnight dialogue, and she’s asleep in no time.

Tonight she fell asleep by 9:30 which rarely happens. I figured she must be tired so I woke her up to get her started with her routine. She opened her eyes, checked the time and said, “10:00.” Then promptly went back to sleep on the couch.

Moral of the story is: Don't try to mess with the routine!