We are in the midst of a complicated time in our country - well really, in the world. With this comes a huge amount of unknowns and as of today, my gal's Adult Day Program is closed for a minimum of two weeks. RJC and I will be buds, hanging out and...what exactly?
I am well aware that we are not alone. Schools, colleges and universities, community centers and daycares are closing. Broadway and Disney have closed. I expect that many other places will follow suit. I completely understand why the closures are taking place and I personally believe it is important to contain this virus and consider the lives that are being saved.
With that, I am looking at two weeks of loss of structure for my gal. She enjoys her Day Program and truly looks forward to going. She doesn't do much when she is home except watch videos of Barney, Sesame Street and the like on her iPad. Sometimes she ventures downstairs to watch her video tapes. She is certainly willing to fold laundry, empty and load the dishwasher, do some baking, and she makes her own breakfast and lunch. Still, I'm trying to figure out what to do with the rest of the hours that loom ahead for us.
I expect we will take a few walks outside and some car rides to nowhere. If grocery stores stays open we will venture in at odd hours, when there are most likely to be less people, as it is one of her favorite errands! Other than that, I'm not really sure what to do. I'm not a fan of crowds under the best of conditions, and with all of this going on I am happy to take a step back from larger communal gatherings. I can't quite picture what our days will look like. It's a bit daunting.
I'm also concerned that with two weeks home with me, comes an added degree of clinginess. As it is, she is happiest when on my hip (metaphorically speaking, of course). This past year she has made strides in independence from me, showing a willingness to hang out with her dad as well as her support team. Two weeks with mom though? I am not sure where this will leave us.
The first problem, however, is in explaining to her that she is not going to her program. I am not looking forward to that. I don't want to say that anyone is sick, as that could scare her. I don't have a date that she can return so that complicates the conversation. Luckily I have this weekend to figure it out and hopefully by Monday she will have gotten the general idea.
It's exhausting that at 27 years old, we are still dealing with the issues that people with toddlers and school-aged children are dealing with - lack of comprehension and the need for full time supervision. It is what it is. I know that. But I am already emotionally tired just thinking about what is ahead.
From our family to yours - hope you are all safe and have a plan set to deal with the unknown of the weeks to come.
We are going to be winging it here.